Yun Hyong-keun, Umber-Blue. 1975-76. Oil on linen, 159.3 x 176.3 cm. Courtesy of Yun Seong-ryeol and P K M Gallery

Koo Hyunmo. Cornus 2 (from Irwon-village), 2014. Silver, brass, 67x50x28. Courtesy of the artist and P K M Gallery.

Young Do Jeong. Cuckoo returns, 2013-14. Acrylic, ink, spray paint, graphite, charcoal, color pencil, and conte on canvas. 208x185cm. Courtesy of the artist and P K M Gallery.

Heeseung Chung. Avedon, 2010. Archival pigment print, 90x120cm. Courtesy of the artist and P K M Gallery.

Wonwoo Lee. Gates of the world, 2014. Powder coated on stainless steel, 120x70x1cm. Courtesy of the artist and P K M Gallery.

Choi Jeong Hwa. Alchemy, 2013-14. Plastic bowls, LED, Steel Frame, 2m(h). Courtesy of the artist and P K M Gallery.