Donghee Koo. Witnesses, 2010. C-print on canvas, 130 x 130 cm.

Darren Almond. Fullmoon@Wall, 2007. C-print mounted onto aluminium, 128 x 128 cm (framed).

Thomas Demand. Paket / Parcel, 2011. C-print/diasec, 108 x 93 cm.

Bae Young-whan. The Will became Gold (Beethoven's Heiligenstadt Testament) (detail), 2013. Glue and gold on abandoned wooden panel, 80 x 121.5 cm.

Ham Jin. Yellow Piece (medium), 2013. Polymerclay and mixed media, 46 x 40.5 x 43 cm.

Minouk Lim. Portable Keeper_White (detail), 2012. Feather, fishing gut, glue, wood stick, paraffin, fan, plaster bandage, 200 x 50 cm (diameter).

Lee Bul. Untitled, 2013. Polyurethane panel, cast polyurethane, stainless steel, aluminum rods, acrylic paint, 67 x 70 x 70 cm.

Byron Kim. What I See (Messy Table, Kitten, Fish, My Kitchen, Park Slope, Brooklyn), 2006. Digital C-print, 126.7 x 208.4 cm.

Sang Nam Lee. Light + Right S034, 2011. Acrylic on panel, 36.5 x 26.5 cm.