Yun Hyong-keun. Burnt Umber & Ultramarine, 1974. Oil on linen, 144.8 x 97.3 cm. Courtesy of Yun Seong-ryeol and PKM Gallery.

Kwon Jinkyu. Jiwon, 1967. Bronze, 30 x 23 x 46(h) cm. Courtesy of the artist and PKM Gallery.

Lee Bul. Untitled("Infinity" suspended B01-1.1), 2015. Stainless steel, aluminum, elastic strings, acrylic mirror, two-way acrylic mirror, LED lights, glass mirror, acrylic beads, pearl and steel chain, 244 x ∅80 cm. Courtesy of the artist and PKM Gallery.

Toby Ziegler. Chemical/Electronic Boundary, 2015. Oil on aluminium, 100 x 173 cm. Courtesy of the artist and PKM Gallery.

Hyunjin Bek. OK AI, 2016. Oil on canvas, 280 x 130 cm. Courtesy of the artist and PKM Gallery.

Young Do Jeong. Into the smokescreen, 2016. Acrylic, spray paint, graphite, color pencil, and marker on canvas, 91.1 x 72.9 cm. Courtesy of the artist and PKM Gallery.

Cody Choi. Hymenaios, 2016. Oil on canvas, used underwear, thread, 41 x 108 cm. Courtesy of the artist and PKM Gallery.